Inspiring Quotes by Chanakya – Motivational Good Thoughts in Hindi & English
Abhinav Duggal
April 27, 2015
Chanakya Quotes, Great Thoughts, Inspirational Messages, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts, Quotes, Quotes for SMS, Quotes in Hindi, Suvichar, Suvichar in Hindi, Thoughts in Hindi
- “मूर्ख व्यक्ति को अपने में दोष दिखाई नहीं देते है, पर उसे दूसरो में दोष ही दोष दिखाई देते है. चाणक्य “
“A fool sees many Defects in others; however, do not see any defect in himself. – Chanakya
- “बुरे व्यक्ति पर क्रोध करने से पूर्व अपने आप पर ही क्रोध करना चाहिए. चाणक्य ”
“You should be angry at yourself before being angry at a bad person. – Chanakya”
- “कठिन कार्य करवा लेने के उपरान्त भी नीच व्यक्ति कार्य करवाने वाले का अपमान ही करता है. चाणक्य”
“An Insidious person will humiliate same person after getting work done who helped him in completing work.” Chanakya
- “गुणों कि सभी जगह पूजा होती है, न कि बड़ी संपत्तियों की । चाणक्य”
“Properties that are worshiped all over the place, not the larger Assets. Chanakya”
- “दुर्जन व्यक्तियों द्वारा संग्रहीत संपति का उपभोग दुर्जन ही करते है. चाणक्य”
“Property made by bad people is used by bad people only. Chanakya”
- “व्यक्ति अपने गुणों से ऊपर उठता है । ऊँचे स्थान पर बैठ जाने से ही ऊँचा नहीं हो जाता है । चाणक्य”
“A person becomes a good human because of his good points. Just by gaining high position, he does not become a good person. Chanakya”
inspirational quotes Motivational Thought Motivational Thoughts quotes Quotes for SMS Quotes in Hindi Suvichar Suvichar in Hindi Thoughts in Hindi 2015-04-27
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