Friday , 14 March 2025
Beautiful inspirational messages great meaning by Pablo Neruda
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Inspiring Text SMS Messages – Good Thoughts

  1. Personality has the power to open the doors, but it takes character to keep them open.
  2. The person who likes you more will trouble you more. But when you drop a tear, they will fight the world to stop that tear.
  3. Those people whom you miss in your happiness are the ones whom you love. But those people whom you miss in your sadness are the ones who love you. Do not forget them.
  4. Success is not a matter of being the best and winning the race, it is a matter of handling the worst and finishing the race. Be positive.
  5. A man does not start turning old when his hair starts graying, but when his enthusiasm towards life and its joy start dropping. Just keep checking your age!!
  6. A honey bee visits 2 million flowers to collect 500 mg of honey. So our workload is nothing as compared to them. Be cheerful and keep working.
  7. It is not that some people have will power and some do not. It is that some people are ready to change and others are not. Believe in yourself and change for betterment.
  8. Everybody says that mistake is the first step to success. But it is not true. Actually it is the correction of mistake. Winners recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths.
  9. Losers recognize their strengths but focus on their weaknesses.
  10. We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

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