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Kabir Dohe in Hindi, English | Kabir Das Dohe in Hindi with meaning English

Kabir Das Ke Dohe in Hindi with Meaning  Sant Kabir Das Quotes, Sayings Images Wallpapers Photos PicturesKabir Dohe in Hindi with Meaning in English

कवि: कबीर Poet: Kabir Translation
गुरु गोबिन्द दोउ खडे काके लागूँ पाँय
बलिहारी गुरु आपने गोबिन्द दियो बताय
Guru gobind dou khade,
kaake lagoon paay
Balihari guru aapne
gobind diyo batay
Guru and God both are here
to whom should I first bow
All glory be unto the guru
path to God who did bestow
कबीरा ते नर अंध है गुरु को कहते और
हरि रूठे गुरु ठौर है गुरु रूठे नही ठौर
Kabira te nar andh hai,
guru ko kahate aur
Hari roothe guru thaur hai,
guru roothe nahi thaur
O Kabir, that man is blind
who doesn’t understand the guru
If God’s angry, guru’s the refuge
no refuge for one who angers guru
जो तोको काँटा बुवे ताहे बोव तू फूल
तोहे फूल को फूल है ताहे है तिरसूल
Jo toko kaanta buve,
taahe bov tu phool
Tohe phool ko phool hai,
taahe hai tirsool
For those who sow thorns for you
you should sow a flower
For you flower’s a flower but
for them it’s a spear dour
तिनका कबहु ना निन्दिये जो पांव तल्ले होए
कबहु उडि आंख पडे पीर घनेरी होए
Tinka kabahu na nindiye,
jo paanv talle hoye
Kabahu udi aankh pade,
peer ghaneri hoye
Don’t insult even a speck
though it’s under your foot
Think how painful it’d be if
it flew into your eye like soot
बड़ा हुआ तो क्या हुआ जैसे पेड़ खजूर
पंथी को छाया नहीं फल लागे अति दूर
Bada hua toh kya hua,
jaise ped khajoor
Panthi ko chhaya nahi,
phal laage ati door
Having stature is not enough
if one’s like a tree of date
No shade to tired trekker
fruit’s too high up to eat
बड़ा ना होवे गुणन बिन बिरद बड़ाई पाय
कहत धतूरे सो कनक गेंहू गरियो ना जाय
Bada na hove gunan bin,
birad badai paye
Kahat dhatoore so kanak,
genhu gariyo na jaye
No one’s great without qualities
howmuchever they may be praised
Thornapple is called gold
wheat it still can’t replace
ऐसी बानी बोलिए मन का आपा खोय
औरन को सीतल करे आपहु सीतल होय
Aisi baani boliye,
man ka aapa khoye
Auran ko seetal kare,
aapahu seetal hoye
Speak in words so sweet
that fill the heart with joy
Like a cool breeze in summer
for others and self to enjoy
बुरा जो देखन मैं चली बुरा ना मिल्या कोय
जो मन खोजा आपना मुझ से बुरा ना कोय
Bura jo dekhan mai chali,
bura na milya koi
Jo man khoja aapna,
mujhse bura na koi
I searched for evil
and I could find none
I looked in my heart,
found the biggest one
साधू ऐसा चाहिऐ जैसा सूप सुभाय
सार सार को गहि रहे थोथा देय उडाय
Saadhu aisa chahiye,
jaisa soop subhay
Saar saar ko gahi rahe,
thotha de udaay
A gentleman is like
a thresher in character
As it absorbs the core
fluff it lets skitter
माटी कहे कुम्हार से तू क्या रौंदे मोय
एक दिन ऐसा आएगा मैं रौंदूंगी तोय
Maati kahe kumhar se,
tu kya raunde moye
Ek din aisa aayega,
main raundoongi toye
Earth says to the potter
you think you knead me
One day soon you’ll see
I’ll knead you easily
काल करे सो आज कर आज करे सो अब
पल में परलै होयगी बहुरि करेगा कब
Kaal kare so aaj kar,
aaj kare so ab
Pal mein parlai hoyegi,
bahuri karega kab
Tomorrow’s work, do today
today’s work, do now
Life will end in a moment
when will you do it, how
धीरे धीरे रे मना धीरे सब कुछ होए
माली सींचे सौ घड़ा रुत आये फल होए
Dheere dheere re manaa,
dheere sab kuchh hoye
Maali seenche sau ghada,
rut aaye phal hoye
Gradually, my heart, gradually
everything happens in its due course
Gardner could water a hundred times
fruits are not borne by force
माया मरी ना मन मरा मर मर गए शरीर
आशा तृष्णा ना मरी कह गए दास कबीर
Maya mari na man maraa,
mar mar gaye sareer
Aasha trishna naa mari,
kah gaye daas Kabir
Illusions nor desires died
bodies died over and again
Hope and wants do not die
says Kabir, that’s the game
कबिरा प्याला प्रेम का अंतर लिया लगाय
रोम रोम में रमी रहे और अमल क्या खाय
Kabira pyaala prem ka,
antar liya lagaye
Rom rom mein rami rahe,
aur amal kya khaye
Kabir, the cup of love
I’ve ingested, assimilated
It’s in my every pore
nothing’s more intoxicating
पोथी पढी पढी जग मुआ पंडित भया ना कोय
ढाई आखर प्रेम का पढे सो पंडित होय
Pothi padhi padhi jag mua,
pandit bhaya na koi
Dhai aakhar prem ka,
padhe so pandit hoye
Read all books in the world
it will not make you wise
Only wise ones are that know
four letter that love comprise
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  1. Superb…………… Site Yarr
    Love it

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